- El Pont d’Armentera: Festivity of Sant Crist, procession of the sacred bread (3rd of January)
- El Pla de Santa Maria: Winter Festivity (7th of January)
- La Masó: Winter Festivity, in honour of Sant Sebastià (20th of January)
- Montferri: Winter Festivity, in honour of Sant Sebastià (20th of January)
- Nulles: Winter Festivity, in honour of Sant Sebastià (20th of January)
- Rodonyà: Winter Festivity, in honour of Sant Sebastià (20th of January)
- Vallmoll: Winter Festivity, in honour of Sant Sebastià (20th of January)
- Vila-rodona: Winter Festivity, in honour of Sant Sebastià (20th of January)
- Valls: Tres Tombs Festivity (Sunday previous to Sant Antoni)
- Valls: Calçotada Market (last weekend)
- Valls: Calçot Gastronomic Festival (last Saturday)
- Valls: Calçotada Festival (last Sunday)
- Valls: Festivity in honour of Mare de Déu de la Candela (2nd of February). The known as Festes Decennals are held every 10 years, on years ending in 1 (therefore, next one is due on 2031)
- Puigpelat: Festivity of Mare de Déu de la Llet and Festivity of the Pine Tree (depending on Easter, between March and April)
- Valls: Popular Escudellada (every 2 years – the next one is due in 2026)
- Picamoixons: Winter Festivity, in honour of Sant Josep (19th of March)
- Valls: Holy Friday procession
- Valls: Popular Favatada
- El Pla de Santa Maria: Bycicle Festival (around Sant Jordi)
- Puigpelat: Festivity of Mare de Déu de la Llet (Pentecost Sunday)
- Querol: Valldossera Meeting (first Sunday after Easter)
- The entire comarca: Festivity of Sant Jordi (23rd of April)
- Montferri: Montserrat Sanctuary meeting (Sunday before the 27th of April)
- Les Pobles: Local Festivity (first Sunday)
- Santes Creus: Puntaires meeting (first Sunday)
- Cabra del Camp: Small Festivity (6th and 7th of May)
- Cabra del Camp: Festivity of Sant Crist (first Saturday)
- Figuerola del Camp: Festivity of Sant Antim, patron saint of youth (around the 11th of May)
- El Milà: Local Festivity, in honour of Sant Isidre (15th of May)
- Nulles: Local Festivity, in honour of Sant Isidre (15th of May)
- Valls: Valls Va de Vins
- El Pla de Santa Maria: Cultural Festival
- Vila-rodona: Columbarium Tapa
- El Rourell: Medieval Festival
- Bràfim: Santuari del Loreto meeting and Fira de la Cirera (first Sunday)
- Valls: Festivity of Les Comarques neighbourhood (second weekend)
- Valls: Local Festivity, in honour of Sant Joan (from the 23rd until the 25th of June)
- Valls: Festivity of the Alt Camp neighbourhood (last weekend)
- El Rourell: Local Festivity, in honour of Sant Pere (around the 29th of June)
- Cabra del Camp: Reap Festival (first Sunday)
- Valls: Festivity of the Santa Úrsula neighbourhood (first weekend)
- Valls: Festivity of the Vilar neighbourhood (first weekend)
- Valls: Festivity of the Xamora neighbourhood (second weekend)
- Valls: Festivity of the Vallvera neighbourhood (second weekend)
- Valls: Festivity of the Portal Nou neighbourhood (second weekend)
- Valls: Festivity of the Francesc Clols neighbourhood (second weekend)
- El Pla de Santa Maria: Sardanes Aires Planencs meeting (second Saturday)
- La Masó: Summer Festivity, in honour of Santa Magdalena (19th of July)
- Valls: Festivity of the Mas Clariana neighbourhood (third weekend)
- Valls: Festivity of the Colla Vella neighbourhood (third weekend)
- Valls: Festivity of the Santa Gemma neighbourhood (third weekend)
- El Pont d’Armentera: Summer Festivity, in honour of Santa Maria Magdalena (22th of July)
- Figuerola del Camp: Summer Festivity, in honour of Sant Jaume (25th of July)
- Alió: Summer Festivity, in honour of Sant Jaume (25th of July)
- Els Garidells: Summer Festivity, in honour of Sant Jaume (25th of July)
- Querol: Summer Festivity, in honour of Sant Jaume (25th of July)
- Querol: Neighbourhood Festivity
- Nulles: Local Festivity (last weekend)
- Valls: Festivity of the Fraternal neighbourhood (last weekend)
- Valls: Festivity of the Fornàs neighbourhood (last weekend)
- Cabra del Camp: Threshing Festival (first Sunday)
- El Pla de Manlleu: Summer Festivity (first Sunday)
- Vilabella: Summer Festivity (first Sunday)
- Picamoixons: Summer Festivity, in honour of Sant Salvador (6th of August)
- Valls: Firagost (first Tuesday and Wednesday)
- Valls: Festivity of the Sant Josep Obrer neighbourhood (first weekend)
- Valls: Summer Festivity of Fontscaldes (first weekend)
- La Riba: Summer Festivity, in honour of Sant Abdó i Sant Senén (first days of August)
- Vila-rodona: Summer Festivity, in honour of Sant Llorenç (10th of August)
- Montferri: Mare de Déu de Montferri meeting (15th of August)
- Aiguamúrcia: Summer Festivity, in honour of Santa Maria (15th of August)
- El Pla de Santa Maria: Festivity of Mare de Déu de les Neus and of Gent Gran (15th of August)
- Puigpelat: Summer Festivity (15th of August)
- Querol: Festivity of Nucli de Querol (15th of August)
- Vallmoll: Summer Festivity, in honour of Mare de Déu d’Agost (15th of August)
- Vilabella: Sant Roc Festivity (16th of August)
- Santes Creus: Summer Festivity (second half of the month)
- Cabra del Camp: Summer Festivity (from the 18th to the 22nd of August)
- Mont-ral: Summer Festivity (third weekend)
- Montferri: Summer Festivity, in honour of Sant Bartomeu (24th of August)
- Rodonyà: Summer Festivity (last weekend)
- The entire comarca: Catalonia National Day (11th of September)
- Valls: Winemakers’ breakfast
- Mont-ral: Local Festivity of Farena (second weekend)
- Santes Creus: Vitis Aiguamúrcia
- El Rourell: Festivity of Sagrat Cor (every 10 years)
- Alcover: Bandolers Festival (second weekend)
- Alcover: Local Festivity (third weekend)
- El Pla de Santa Maria: Autumn Festivity (third weekend)
- El Milà: Winter Festivity, in honour of Santa Úrsula (21st of October)
- Valls: Santa Úrsula’s Festival and human towers performance (21st of October or the following Sunday)
- Valls: International and national dog show (last weekend)
- Valls: Úrsula Beer Fest (last Friday and Saturday)
- Valls: “Guant”, Puppet Theater International Festival (the entire month)
- Vila-rodona: Farm Festival (first weekend after All Saints’ Day)
- La Riba: Sant Andreu Festival (30th of November)
- Valls: Arrencada del Calçot
- Valls: New Olive Oil’s Festival
- Alió: Winter Festivity, in honour of Mare de Déu del Loreto (10th of December)
- Bràfim: Winter Festivity, in honour of Mare de Déu del Loreto (10th of December)
- Les Pobles: Winter Festivity (13th of December)
- Santes Creus: Winter and Santa Úrsula Festivity (13th of December)
- Aiguamúrcia: Winter Festivity (13th of December)
- Figuerola del Camp: Festivity of Mare de Déu de l’Esperança (around 18th of December)
- Valls: Festival of Capons, Birds and Christmas Market (weekend after Santa Llúcia)