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43800 - Valls
621 26 59 05

In Camins Km0 we live in Valls, the village km0 of calçotada. Do you know who Xat de Benaiges was and how he lived? It seems that towards the end of the 19th century this farmer from Valls “invented” calçots, after cooking some grilled onions and seasoning them with oil, vinegar and salt.

How did we get from this peasant food to the great Calçotada Festival? Which illustrious characters have eaten calçots?

This story that begins in the 19th century, comes with force to our days and you will get to know its protagonists and their footprint in Valls. You will discover where and how the Vallenca peasantry lived, the illustrious characters present in the history of calçotada, legends and corners full of history. Do you want to discover it? We are waiting for you.

To complement the visit, a tasting of peasant food is included at the Agrobotiga, a point of sale for IGP Calçot de Valls: toasted bread with oil, Arbequina olives and a glass of wine from the Valls Agricultural Society.

In addition, they have DO Tarragona wines and cavas from local producers, and a whole selection of products from their members and other cooperatives: local economy = real economy.

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