Would you like to take a trip back in time? The La Capona route is a true open-air museum where you will find, on a route of one and a half kilometres, dry stone constructions such as huts, huts, banks, hiding places… and many other surprises!
These are constructions of great historical value, listed as Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, which were built stone upon stone – without elements such as mud or cement – finding a point of balance between them. Walk the La Capona route, find the different elements and use them to build Acor’s new home. By playing this Adventure you will help the dry stone constructions not to fall into oblivion… and for the ethereal Acor to return to its home.
Are you signing up? It’s completely free!
The story goes that many years ago, the world was inhabited by the Etheria, guardians of the land forged from the imagination of people. But, over time, human beings have forgotten about them. The guardian etheria of Capona is the Acor and was on the verge of disappearing: the lands she cultivated and the dry stone buildings where she lived were abandoned for a long time.
Now, the time has come for you to play Peripècia and discover this invaluable heritage… and help her build the Acor’s home with dry stone! Peripècia is a fictional world starring the Etheria, guardians of the territory forged from the imagination of human beings. Over time, both the land and the imagination of people have deteriorated, which is why the Etheria are in danger of disappearing. With this new project, the aim is to revitalize little-known areas of interest, but which have great potential to transmit values such as environmental protection, recognition of heritage or the acquisition of sustainable habits. Can tourism be regenerative?
Under this common narrative, the objective is to develop a series of experiences in different parts of the Catalan territory, with a clear educational and recreational intention. Although these are intended for a mostly family audience and also for schools – audiences of all ages can enjoy the experience.
This experience can be played via mobile device or in paper format.